This week started a new school year for me ;( Something unexpectedly happened this week ---- Regan was signed up for daycare. School personnel start a week before the students come back to school. My brother started coming during the day to watch Yunnie. He is working nights as a nurse and was staying up to watch her and napping when she naps. Unfortunately, I think it was asking too much of him to continue doing this again for this school year. When I realized it was going to be taking a toll on him and he was not getting enough sleep, I started frantically looking for daycare. As much as I hate to put her in daycare, I'm hoping she will like the socialization and playing she will get to do during the day.
I found two daycares that I liked. I thought we were fortunate they both had openings. The decision was between two very different philosophies on routines and such and I had to try to look into a crystal ball to try and figure out which would be a better fit for Yunnie. We chose the less structured, little academics setting. I just want her to be happy and loved. I'm not worried if she learns anything "academic". I think she will enjoy all the play time and playing outside that this daycare allows. I hope. Unfortunately, you can't really tell how something is going to work until you are in the situation!
It just so happens, Regan is in The Panda Room. I thought that was fitting! Her teacher seems loving and very nice. I stopped in five times at various times to "peek" in the classroom. The teacher was engaging with the students each time. I know Regan is going to have some initial adjustment issues, but hopefully these will resolve quickly and she'll enjoy herself. We had Open House last night and she had a mild fit when we had to leave. She didn't want to leave the toys!
Konnor starts public kindergarten this year. We are so excited that he has an awesome teacher! I'm the physical therapist at his school and only go once a week for an hour or so, and yet I know of this teacher's reputation. I have heard nothing but how wonderful she is. He loved her and we are so excited! He'll have to really work hard this year as he got placed in the "High" progressive placement class. Ultimately, we hope he enjoys himself and really likes kindergarten. He was such a gentleman last night at his Open House talking with Mrs. Wincel. I was so proud! He has done nothing but talk about his new teacher and how much he likes her! He is counting down the days until Monday!
Regan looks so grown up in those pictures! What a sweetie! Hope to see you at school soon.~Tricia
Molly loves daycare - she looks forward to playing with her friends every day! I am sure Regan will have fun too!!
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