I want bread more. (I want more bread)
I've got a butt on my belly. (I have a belly button)
I like rainbow pretty. ( I like the pretty rainbow)
I want off shoes. (I want my shoes off)
Etc, Etc, she has some really good ones that I"ll have to write down because they are hilarious, but I'm too tired to think of them right now!!
She also likes to see things from a different viewpoint. For instance, a conversation we have a thousand times a day goes a little something like this:
Regan and I in a store with Regan touching EVERYTHING even though she knows she isn't supposed to touch:
Me: Regan, are you supposed to be touching?
Regan: No
Me: Then why are you touching the (insert word here, example: brush, toy, food, etc)
Regan: I'm not touching, I wooking.
Me: No, you are touching not looking, there is a difference.
Regan: I wooking with my singers. (I'm looking with my fingers) See, mommy, I smile.
She then will cock her head to the side and give a big smile because she thinks that will get her anything she wants and I do have to admit it is really cute. Doesn't smiling at your mommy negate any wrong doing that just occurred?
And then there are the times that I should really take a good look in the mirror. I told Regan to get ready to go to Framma's house as we were going to my mom's house for dinner. She came out with this get up: